PRIMIX is a supplier and developer of static mixers and heat exchangers for refineries, petrochemical plants and the gas processing industry. With over 30 years of experience, we provide solutions for high viscosity mixing, dispersion, desalination, gas/liquid mixing and turbulent mixing of media.
Inline static mixers and heat exchangers
PRIMIX static mixers are suitable for upstream applications in exploration drilling, both onshore and offshore, and also recovery, storage and distribution of oil and gas.
PRIMIX static mixers are used for:
Crude oil / water sampling
- Custody transfer mixing
Crude oil mixing and desalting
Gas sweetening
LNG desuperheating
Mud Mixers
Well Bore Cement Mixers
Oil Sands Mixers
CO2 reduction in natural gas
The downstream production includes cracking / converting oil into fuels, asphalt and several other petrochemical products. Here the PRIMIX static mixers and heat exchangers can be used for:
Several refining processes
Cooling asphalt
Petrol blending
- Wash water mixers
Blending of diesel, gasoline, lubricants and natural gas at tank farms
Coal Slurry applications
- USLD mixing
Advantages of the Primix Static Mixer
Advantages of the PRIMIX static mixer - tubular mixer
Suitable for mixing at very high pressures
Lower energy consumption
No moving parts
Maintenance free
No direct drive required
Simple installation
Little space required
Totally closed piping system
Can be manufactured with optional injectors
Optional sheath for heat exchange
Worldwide support
Mixers for explosion hazardous processes
The family of PRIMIX static mixers can be manufactured optionally with an ATEX certification. The “Ex II 2DG” classification means in practice that our mixers can be used anywhere except in mine shafts. We take into account all possible hazardous situations and take measures to prevent them; a HAZOP is drawn up and you will receive a comprehensive guide that will keep you fully informed about the do's and don'ts of this product . Finally, you will receive the certificate.
Prevents frequent corrosion problems at refineries and gas production companies
During the lifetime of a refinery, the quality of the crude oils that are ingested gradually deteriorate. The reason is that easy to win sources dry up and then a switch over to harder to gain sources is needed which usually increases the undesirable impurities in these oils. The corrosion resistance of expensive equipment in a refinery is then no longer sufficient and the equipment rapidly becomes unserviceable. In-line interference from all types of corrosion inhibitors is by far the most cost efficient method to put a halt to this process. Static mixers are particularly well suited for that.

FPAL and JQS registered
PRIMIX is FPAL and JQS registered (Achilles registration) for the oil and gas industry. The certificates are published in the download section.
Case study data sheets: